Tropical PC Solutions: Web Design Solutions
Having a website is a great way to reach people all over the world. Reports have shown that small businesses with an online presence have more reach and do better than a small business without a company website. TPCS will design and build you or your company a website starting at $500. |
Florida's Best Beaches and Surf Spots
This website showcases the main cities in Florida and their associated beaches and surfing spots.

Beyond Astronomy, information for amateur astronomers
This website has information for amateur astronomers or anyone interested in the topic of astronomy.

Take Two Apps
This project was created to host Chrome Apps

PhaseThree Apps
This site was created to host live demos of the Take Two apps.

Tropical PC Solutions: Version 2
This was a side project for TPCS.

Tropical PC Solutions: Version 3
This is the latest version of Tropical PC Solutions.